Does Your Business Need a Weed Whacker?

Do you ever walk around your neighbourhood and wonder about the people living there?  I do.  I, like most, will gather a first impression about someone by how they take care of their yard.  Some people have immaculate yards, some nicely maintain a yard and others,...

Great Leadership & Corporate Garden Centers

I was shopping the other day for some bedding-out plants.  It’s that time of year when we find ways to beautify our yards and take full advantage of the short growing season in our area.  Bedding-out plants have been started in the greenhouse earlier so you have a...

Leadership Lessons From Mom!

All of us have a background and history.  Many of the lessons I learned about leadership were really common sense child-rearing lessons passed on from one of the most remarkable people I know, my Mother.  With Mother’s Day approaching I thought I would share a few...