There appears to be a common misconception about entrepreneurs that has me fascinated.  It is that they are free to be with, do for and make time available that “working people” do not have.

In the last few years I have promoted that one cannot lead well until they have learned first to lead themselves.  This is exceptionally true of an entrepreneur, for if they cannot lead themselves their business suffers.  Good business means income, and for an entrepreneur, time is money.

Every minute of every working day must be led and managed effectively to ensure a steady income.  They are doing business, just like anyone in a typical “job”.  The difference between the misconception and reality is this:

They are flexible, not available

Between the hours of 8am – 5pm they are still working, in fact, they are usually working between the hours of 5pm – 10pm just not as one would typically define “work”.  To best lead self, an entrepreneur will need to be very selective in the activities they agree to take part.  Why?

Because every hour they spend being with, doing for and making themselves available may be an hour they are not busy generating income for their business.

A casual coffee is much like taking an hour-long leave of absence without pay.

Entrepreneurs, to lead yourself well, decide if the activity in which you are being asked to take part will in some way lead to building a better business for you, or if it is precious time you are giving freely as a gift to another.  How many gifts are you able to give, and to whom?

Patti is a strategic adviser in Leadership Development, Customer Service and Culture through Mergers and Acquisition. You can book her to speak at her Speakers Page.

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