Most of us who blog understand how small the world can be, we’ve offered across-the-world acknowledgement for each other’s work, we have been blessed with global collaboration and we have been given the opportunity to share with others on a significant scale.
The world, while small, is also jam-packed with people, many of whom are in need. Given that thought, can you define what  you do every day that contributes to the world to make it a better place?
Favourite Quote:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”
-Margaret Mead
Over the next few weeks we will be presenting some areas in which actions can make a difference. This week we start with the topic: Humanities. In a break this down this translates to 4 ways you can take action this week to help humanity; home, work, community and world.

We all have to work, we all need to accomplish tasks that support us, our families, our responsibilities and our friends, but many of us also choose a cause that is important to us and we support it in one way or another. I would love to hear about yours!
Humanity, as defined by Wikipedia, (Mankind) is the whole human species, human nature (e.g., compassion and altruism), and the human condition (the totality of experience of existing as a human).

  1. Home: This week I am cleaning rooms for others!
  2. Work: This week I have brought on a very creative and energetic business partner and plan on coaching him forward with a new project.
  3. Community: Sitting as Board Chair, supporting Providence, a health, education and therapy preschool for children with disabilities.
  4. World: We are looking at several projects, all a fit for our company as well as being something I can get passionate about. When we choose, you will be the first to know!

Share your ACTIONS with us – and help us change the world!

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