I’d like to contribute this blog to asking what you are doing on Remembrance Day.  For my subscribers outside of Canada, this is the day to commemorate the sacrifices of members of the armed forces and of civilians in times of war.  Observed on November 11, (next Tuesday), in Canada to recall the end of World War 1 on that date in 1918.

Canadians wear a poppy during the two weeks prior to November 11 to show respect for and understanding for the many great sacrifices taken on by those who have gone before us and those who are currently working hard to maintain our freedoms and ensure our country remains as great as it always has been.

The Canadian Forces definition of effective leadership is “Directing, motivating and enabling others to accomplish the mission professionally and ethically while developing or improving capabilities that contribute to mission success” and is a reflection of the environment that faces our Canadian Forces Leaders today.

Many of us understand leadership in one form or another, however, few of us in typical corporate or small business roles are asked to do so under extreme circumstances.  While the odd day may feel like you are avoiding missiles, navigating around land mines and having dirt wind-blown into your mouths – the reality of it all is that we truly are a pampered lot.  We take time in our week to have a lunch out in a great restaurant, we go home every day to a loving family and brick and mortar homes and we have a leisurely shower usually using much more water than is absolutely necessary. 

I would like to prepare you for next week, for the day when you are challenged to take a little time to consider the impact leadership under extreme conditions might be like, and to applaud those who are willing to make continual sacrifices on a daily and yearly basis to make our lives what they are.  For those who have gone before us living and not living; for the civilians who are left behind, for the civilians who support the work of the Canadian Forces and for the many leaders who are asked to motivate men and women who have been away from their homes and their families for a cause outside of their personal gain please offer gratitude, your love, and your support.

Aside from what you feel about war, aside from how you feel about world conflict, what might be very important to remember is that on November 11, we are recognizing the life sacrifices and daily dedication of many people that have been and are being made on your behalf.  If you are with a company that recognizes the importance and observes the day, please find time at 11am on Tuesday to gather in support and memory with others who are doing the same.  If your company does not observe this day of remembrance, please take some time in the morning to gather with a few people who are near you, to observe a moment of silence at 11am on Tuesday.

If you are a leader, please lead by example by; “Directing, motivating and enabling others to accomplish the mission professionally and ethically while developing or improving capabilities that contribute to mission success” for your team, all the while noting that you are not asked to do this under dire or extreme circumstances.  When you are ready to wave your hands in the air and give up, remember others are out there practicing leadership in places where giving up is not an option!