Meet Evaluation, Meet AdvancementAdvancement only comes with habitually doing more than you are asked. ~Gary Ryan Blair

Advancement, if this is one of your personal values for your career, your job is to understand how you are evaluated, then exceed it.

The criteria on which you are evaluated are the criteria by which your company defines career advancement. These criteria may or may not match your values, working toward your values and ignoring evaluation criteria is not the path to advancement.  Your job is to decide if you can work where you feel conflicted, or if you can still maintain your values while still exceeding their criteria.

Many companies fail to recognize disconnects between what they say they want for a culture and what they actually evaluate. What gets evaluated is what they build.  If a company seeks collaborative and innovative – then what they measure needs to match those criteria.

For a company to say they want a fun and invigorating culture, but only measure margins and ignore behaviour and intangibles is equal to a brain wanting weight loss and going straight for the double-double chocolate cake.  One does not equal the other.


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