Farewell to 2008. Welcome, 2009.

It was a fantastic year this year, much learned and great beginnings for my entire family.  I wanted a chance to share a little story with you.

We had a very different Christmas this year, as a family we pledged not to buy presents for each other and instead we would take a day and do something together for the less fortunate.

It isn’t that we didn’t want to give nor were we insensitive to the retail economic situation, we were simply being responsible to ourselves in a year when all three kids started College and I began tending to the business full time.  It wasn’t a Scrooge Christmas, either.  We still maintained many of our traditions and kept a strong sense of family, friends and food.  It did provide some unique blessings, though. 

·         I can honestly tell you that none of us missed the crowded malls or crazy shopping insanity.

·         We were all provided the gift of simplicity, no need to “find room” for the new gifts.

·         We thought more about each other than about inanimate objects.

·         We did not feel stressed, pushed or otherwise short of time.

·         Our focus was on gathering, singing, cooking and being together.

So what did we miss?

·         Giving, we are a family who loves to buy and do for others.  We are generous with as many as possible and each gift is given from the heart.

·         Wrapping – my oldest daughter is like myself, we love to carry a theme, match a tree and turn the gifts into a work of art.

·         Our Annual Shindig – over 75 people last year, we’re not sure we’ll skip it again!

Overall, it was a great experience for each of us.  In some cases, we received gifts from people who knew in advance of our pledge, and we tried (probably failed) to be gracious in accepting gifts when we were not giving in return.  Again, thank you.

Because of our many schedules and locations, we are still coordinating our plan for doing something for others less fortunate.  We will take a full day together outside of any “special occasion” and give when our giving is most needed.   I believe this will be where we all receive our true gifts this season.

Visit us in 2009 and learn more about Strategic Sense’s Direction for the coming year and our Actions to change the world. 

Yours in Leadership, Plans of Action, and Communication,

Patti Dragland


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