“The key to change… is to let go of fear.” – Rosanne Cash
Many people who have been connected to me in social media will have noticed I took a social media vacation this last while. Mainly to re-examine both my business and my life – I was fortunate to have a friend who cared enough about me to offer me a lot of insight and spent the time to help me examination things pretty closely. Mostly, he made me look at myself and accept things I was not aware I was doing, saying and being. Facing some of it has been hard.
This year has been a year of purpose for me, focusing on family and gaining insight about my future direction. It has also given me some time to re-examine the grand plan for both the business and my own direction and a number of themes have emerged.
- Purpose
- Authenticity
- Being with people
- Asking for help
- Letting go
- And my own valuation
I suppose I’m going through much of what any entrepreneur goes through when they find themselves on a road they never started out on and have lost their map. But it is much more than that. I have changed, my intentions for my purpose have been lost, and with that comes the awareness a great transition is necessary to right this wobbling boat.
Over the next few months I will be making changes to the business and to my life to get onto a path that is more in keeping with my own truth and talents, and be able to serve others more effectively and authentically. I will be creating the means to be more centered, more focused in a smaller, tighter package in order to remain true to myself personally and the reason I got into business in the first place – and I will be working to remain true to my family. I will be putting on the brakes with a few things, and it has been a very messy journey of processing and a filtering of thoughts, beliefs and ideas, but I guess transition can be messy – well, it has been this time.
I intend to share as things move forward, especially those changes which impact clients, readers, followers and anyone who might wander onto this blog with an interest.
This is more of a life-shift and each of the themes above will be driving forces in re-setting the direction.
In taking the quiet time I needed to work through all of the examination I shared with this friend, I have discovered crazy insecurities I thought were long past, renewed a sense of self and I have rediscovered purpose.
I am significantly impacted by this, and by the very personal experiences I have gone through over the last year while sitting in the side-car of my mother’s health journey. It is my hope I can offer a little more of the authentic Patti and avoid needing such intense privacy. It is also my hope that in not keeping my faults and struggles so private, I can better serve my purpose and the many people I value so dearly.
For your support and readership, I am ever grateful.
Make it Grand!