Before I get into details about part two of our “Change the World” Series, I wanted to share an observation.

Since I started blogging, I’ve learned a great deal about the interests of our readers, for one. I wanted to throw into the Christmas season a message that we as individuals have a lot of power to collectively change the world, and for the better!

The interesting thing is, changing the world has had fewer readers than any other post. I’m not sure why, perhaps it was my presentation or perhaps it came across as more like a home-work assignment than one of my typical posts. Who knows, there may be a great deal of people who simply don’t believe their individual actions can affect change on a global basis!  Can you believe that? 

If election stats in the United States are any indication that individual acts in collective action can make a difference then the last Presidential election is the biggest example I can find.  The largest turn out in many years!  Individuals with the same cause, created a world-changing action! 

I truly believe we can make a difference in the world by changing who WE are and how WE react to the world around us, specifically at home, at work, within the community and on a broader sense, in the world itself.

There are many things in the world out of our control but the one thing we have total control over is ourselves, how we act, how we speak, how we respond, how we treat others and the respect we offer the world around us. Many of the qualities held by great leaders are the same qualities held by those people who care to make a difference in the world by being a positive influence on others or on the environment.

Last week the post was about our effect on Humanity and what we could do at home, work, within the community and in the world. I posted a few of the responses, and was very grateful for the comments about how some really amazing people are trying to change the world around them. This week I would like to focus on the Environment!

Please let us know what small steps you can do yourself to affect the environment in a positive way, I will start with mine:

  1. Home: Recycling everything we can possibly recycle, using energy efficient lights, keeping the heat turned down and using a sweater or blanket if chilled, using green cleaning products, using green body soaps.
  2. Work: Reducing paper use, setting up whiteboards, shredding and recycling any of the paper we do use
  3. Community: Entering into an environmental project with my new partner. (We’ll tell you all about it in 2009)
  4. World: Getting involved in a group challenge at One Million Acts of Green


Share your ACTIONS to support our environment with us – and help us change the world!

Interesting Sites you may find interesting:

noe21 Economy, Energy and Society

Alex Steffen at TED

World Changing

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